Tiger 'Stendo


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Expected release date is 21st Mar 2025

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This is a 360 engraved 33 round magazine


Normal 30rd mags not available to ship to the following locations:

CA, CO, CT, DE, IL, MA, MD, NY, NJ, VT, WA, Washington DC



Scorpion and Glock pistol compatible mags will ship as REBUILD kits to the following states: 



We unfortunately cannot ship Glock pistol compatible or Scorpion mags as rebuild kits or whole mags to the following states:

CA, MA, NY, NJ, WA, and Washington DC. 


We are unable to pin these to 10rds to comply with state laws without effecting functionality of these magazines. 




DISCLAIMER: This product is not manufactured, athorized, endorsed, or warranted by GLOCK.

Glock does not warrant or represent that this product is compatible with GLOCK pistols. 


DISCLAIMER: "GLOCK" is a federally registered trademark of GLOCK, Inc. and is one of many registered by GLOCK, Inc. and GLOCK Ges.m.b.H. Neither The Mag Project nor this site are affiliated in any matter with, or otherwise endorsed by, GLOCK, Inc. or GLOCK Ges.m.h.H. The use of any "GLOCK" trademarks on this page is merely to advertise the sale of parts, components, or accessories that are compatible with GLOCK pistols. For genuine GLOCK, Inc. and GLOCK Ges.m.h.H products and parts, visit www.glock.com.